Well, here are some pictures of a few things that have happened in our household lately....
We had Owen baptized in August. We have many pictures, but this is BY FAR my favorite:)

Then, Emma started Kindergarten! I can't believe it, but my baby girl is in big kid school! She absolutely LOVES it. They are long days for her, but she is doing GREAT! She says her favorite thing so far is the FREEZE song:). It's so fun to be able to watch her interact with the other kids. She is a peanut with a giant personality:).

Then, here is a picture of Big Boy Owen. He is growing so fast. It is fun to watch him:). He is now almost 14 lbs. He is rolling both ways, and can he ever carry on a conversation with himself:). He is loving daycare:).

Enjoying fall...wouldn't mind a little more summer, but we'll take what we can get:).
What a big girl! She looks so grown up and ready for a new adventure! I love the pictures of Emma...she's a great big sister, just like Natalie is
FALL?!?! ALREADY?!?!?! Wow. It'll be 96 degrees here today...
Emma and Owen are just gorgeous!
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