I recently ran into a little snafoo while traveling along my road of life. Emma's babysitter of the past 4 years informed me that she would like to only work part time, and she asked that I find someone to watch Em 2 days during the week. I honestly felt like my world was spinning for at least a week. I felt like I had been hit in the stomach. I wracked my brain trying to come up with a person that could watch Miss Em. You see....it's not that she's difficult to watch (OK....maybe just a "little"). The child has allergies that could make many people scared just hearing about them.....and she has food issues. She also has limited speech...which made us uncomfortable with sending her to a larger daycare center. AND, oh yeah....she's immunosuppressed. Just hearing about Emma could make any prospective babysitter run for the hills.
So, Tim and I set out on the journey of trying to find a part time babysitter. We went to a larger daycare center (20 kids every day), and they said they would take her. The lady "listened" as I told her all about Em's allergies and the fact that she needs her liquids ALL thickened (she "listened" as she typed on her computer, answered the phone, and disciplined a child). We left there feeling much less than OK with taking Emma to that center....but, was that our ONLY choice??? I called our wonderful babysitter of the past 4 year and begged her not to make us take Emma to that center. She was appauled at the idea that we would even consider taking Emma there. She kindly said, "If it's meant to be it will happen. Even if it's 6 mths down the road...that's OK. I'll take her every day for as long as you need me".
2 days later I received a phone call from a school district employee (I had e-mailed everyone in the district to see if anyone knew of a person for me). Her daughter was interested and she wanted to know if it would be OK if she gave her daughter my phone number? Well....let me see.....YYYYYEEESSSS!!
So, we met the babysitter and her 2 year old little boy. We immediately liked her. She actually asked if she could dress Emma AND do her hair in the mornings??? UM....yeah:). She said she has always wanted a girl. She started watching Emma EVERY day starting last Monday. Our other babysitter is bummed to not have Emma at all.....but this is what was meant to be. She was exactly right. I guess I need to listen to that advice in all areas of my life:).
Emma loves the new sitter and her little boy, however sharing her toys has been a bit challenging. She is into hitting....and that's a no-no....she'll even tell you that....right after she hits you:).
Yesterday I got home from work and I went to get something out of Emma's drawers, and guess what I found???? Our very own Mary Poppins babysitter had organized all of Emma's room....even down to the hair jewelry (and let me tell you....the girl has a TON!!!). Can I hear you say YYIIIIPPPPEEE!!! Now, I'm just wondering if she can do the whole house???
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Happy 4th Birthday Princess Em
Dear Emma,
I cannot believe that you are 4 years old today. I look at you and I am in awe with what an amazing person you are. Your love for every person that you come into contact with is so reflective in your eyes. You have the purest soul of anyone that I have every met. I learn a lesson from you every day about the way that I need to look at the world and treat others. You are kind to everyone, and you think that all people are good. What a wonderful world this would be if we could all think that way.
In the last year you have become potty trained, you've gone to pre-school, you have learned to jump higher and run faster, and you have developed a love for purses, make-up, cell phones, and jewelry that even Paris Hilton would be intrigued by. I'm amazed at your independence. You have found a BFF (best friend forever) at pre-school named Brindi, and the two of you are inseperable. I love to watch you and Brindi interacting. The games that you come up with are really amusing.
My favorite time is still at night when you are so tired. Even though you tell us you are not tired...your poor little eyes can barely stay open. When you crawl into my lap and ask for a story to be read to you how can I resist. If I am really a lucky mama...you fall asleep on my lap with your head on my shoulder, and I realize then exactly how sweet life is.
I look forward to many more years with you my strong little princess. You have overcome obstacles that most of us will never encounter in our lives....and you have won! Keep on reaching higher every time that bar is raised. Never let anyone tell you that you can't. You are my hero, Emma and I am so fortunate to be able to say that I am your Mom.
Love you with all of my heart,
This was at your party yesterday. My heart was so happy to see you sitting with your little friends and eating....what amazing progress you have made in a year!

Your new little fake smile that you give me any time that I tell you to say "cheese"! This is how you smiled for the camera all day yesterday.

Here's your Dora cake that Mama made. I know that she doesn't have any feet....whoops! You loved it anyway!

Blowing out the candles....I hope that every wish you ever make comes true!
I cannot believe that you are 4 years old today. I look at you and I am in awe with what an amazing person you are. Your love for every person that you come into contact with is so reflective in your eyes. You have the purest soul of anyone that I have every met. I learn a lesson from you every day about the way that I need to look at the world and treat others. You are kind to everyone, and you think that all people are good. What a wonderful world this would be if we could all think that way.
In the last year you have become potty trained, you've gone to pre-school, you have learned to jump higher and run faster, and you have developed a love for purses, make-up, cell phones, and jewelry that even Paris Hilton would be intrigued by. I'm amazed at your independence. You have found a BFF (best friend forever) at pre-school named Brindi, and the two of you are inseperable. I love to watch you and Brindi interacting. The games that you come up with are really amusing.
My favorite time is still at night when you are so tired. Even though you tell us you are not tired...your poor little eyes can barely stay open. When you crawl into my lap and ask for a story to be read to you how can I resist. If I am really a lucky mama...you fall asleep on my lap with your head on my shoulder, and I realize then exactly how sweet life is.
I look forward to many more years with you my strong little princess. You have overcome obstacles that most of us will never encounter in our lives....and you have won! Keep on reaching higher every time that bar is raised. Never let anyone tell you that you can't. You are my hero, Emma and I am so fortunate to be able to say that I am your Mom.
Love you with all of my heart,
This was at your party yesterday. My heart was so happy to see you sitting with your little friends and eating....what amazing progress you have made in a year!

Your new little fake smile that you give me any time that I tell you to say "cheese"! This is how you smiled for the camera all day yesterday.

Here's your Dora cake that Mama made. I know that she doesn't have any feet....whoops! You loved it anyway!

Blowing out the candles....I hope that every wish you ever make comes true!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Summer fun!
I know that it has been awhile since I have posted, but LIFE has gotten in the way. We have been so busy, and Em has been having SO much fun! So, I had to share a picture post with you about our good times that have been had:).
We went to the hospital for a liver checkup for Emma. Here she is waiting for her blood draw....it took 4 pokes to get it drawn, but my little trooper only shed one silent tear. What an amazing girl! She got a really great treat from the staff after she was done for doing such a super job:).

Then we were able to see lots and lots of family. Emma enjoyed jumping on the trampoline.

And spending time with her cousins!

When we got home Emma enjoyed playing in our neighbors fabulous "waterpark". Actually our neighbor was flood irrigating, but Emma had a blast playing in the water!

Who could blame her? I mean...look at this AMAZING yard!!!

It was enough to wear out any Princess

We went to some of our friend's house for a barbecue the other night. Emma got to hold a kitty for the first time.

AND she got to help feed a baby cow.

Best of all she has enjoyed just hangin' out with her Mama...while Daddy does grad school "stuff".

It's really been an amazing summer....and I'm not ready for it to end yet. 3 more glorious weeks, and I'm going to enjoy every second of them:).
Stay tuned.....we have Emma's 4th birthday coming up....4 years....can you believe it????
We went to the hospital for a liver checkup for Emma. Here she is waiting for her blood draw....it took 4 pokes to get it drawn, but my little trooper only shed one silent tear. What an amazing girl! She got a really great treat from the staff after she was done for doing such a super job:).

Then we were able to see lots and lots of family. Emma enjoyed jumping on the trampoline.

And spending time with her cousins!

When we got home Emma enjoyed playing in our neighbors fabulous "waterpark". Actually our neighbor was flood irrigating, but Emma had a blast playing in the water!

Who could blame her? I mean...look at this AMAZING yard!!!

It was enough to wear out any Princess

We went to some of our friend's house for a barbecue the other night. Emma got to hold a kitty for the first time.

AND she got to help feed a baby cow.

Best of all she has enjoyed just hangin' out with her Mama...while Daddy does grad school "stuff".

It's really been an amazing summer....and I'm not ready for it to end yet. 3 more glorious weeks, and I'm going to enjoy every second of them:).
Stay tuned.....we have Emma's 4th birthday coming up....4 years....can you believe it????
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