Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Hi ho! Hi ho!! It's off to work.....

Tomorrow is the big day! My first day "on contract"...which translates to the first day that I am paid to be in my classroom. The first day that I have to be there from 7:45 until 3:45. It is so much earlier this year. Am I ready??? In some ways I am. I am ready to have a "schedule". I am a person who likes order. Granted, it is nice to have a few months to do whatever I want, whenever I want (well, whatever Emma wants), but I do look forward to a more structured life. I am also ready to have some adult interaction (other than Tim). It is wonderful to be with my husband 24/7 for 3 months, but I think we are both ready to be around other adults also.

Now, I am not in any way ready to take Emma back to the babysitter. I know that she will love it. She will not miss me AT ALL!! She absolutely LOVES her babysitter (and I am so thankful for that), but I will miss not being with her. I will even miss her naughtiness that has taken over lately (pinching, pinching, pinching).

Ready or not here it comes. I am very excited to see my students. I have the wonderful opportunity to have my students for 2 years in a row (I teach Kdg. and 1st grade). I really become attached to my kids, and I do miss them over the summer. I am also excited to get to know my new kindergarten students. Now, there are a couple of parents that could give me a run for my money, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there (and kill them with kindness)!

So, think of me tomorrow in my classroom up in the middle of the beautiful mountains....preparing for my 9 wonderful students who will enter my classroom next week and teach ME more in a year than I ever could imagine!


CJ said...

I never minded dealing with the KIDS when I worked in day care, it was the PARENTS that presented the challenges! Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Angie!
I've been meaning to write you and tell you how much Havalah loves her gift. She's a big fan of flamingos :)
I'm glad to read on the other site that Emma is really starting to eat. Havalah is making strides in that dept, but still needs improvement.
It makes me so happy to hear that you guys really had a normal kid summer, and were able to relax a little bit. I'd love to really talk to you at lenght and catch up! Maybe I should call?
I miss you! Kristen

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a GREAT school year Angie. Emma is so cute!