My blog has been a little quiet lately. There are a few reasons for that.
First, it is simply amazing how a teacher who "has the summer off...ha, ha" can keep so incredibly busy!!! We have home projects, conferences, and oh yes...the almost 3 year old who I chase around all day long!
Second, it seems that every couple of months I go into a little bit of a funk for about a week. During this funk I just want to be by myself. Just ask my husband....I really am not myself. I find myself trying to sort things out...trying to figure out "why" to a question that I will never know. I continually beat myself up during that time for "what I should have done different during my pregnancy" (which includes not taking the medication that my OB prescribed that the pharmacist said "I've never heard of a pregnant woman using this"....but believing that "my OB knew best"...why didn't I question that more???? Or maybe when my OB prescribed some med for a yeast infection during my 1st trimester...which I later read in the handout enclosed "not to be used in the 1st trimester of pregnancy"...why didn't I read that earlier???? Again, I THOUGHT that my OB knew what was best! Or, maybe it was just the lime frenzy that I went on in my 1st trimester! I ate 3 limes a day...just peeled them and ate them like oranges. They were so sweet...UGH! HMMMM?? I will question all of these things until the day that I die.....then, I will have my list of questions ready for "the man upstairs"!!
Third, anytime that Emma goes through a vommiting bout is very very bad for my mental status! I just cannot handle it. I went for 2 1/2 years of having her vomit between 1-4 times a day. In April we finally figured some things out, and she went almost 2 months without throwing up at all. Then, KABOOM! It starts again...WHY!!!! I cannot even begin to explain how much better my emotional well being was during that 2 mths!!! So much less stressful! So, I took bananas out of her diet 3 days vomitting!!! I think she now has an allergy to bananas (along with dairy, soy, rice, wheat, eggs, nuts, and shellfish....sigh!). As long as I know what it is....I CAN handle it:).
And, last but not least, forth... I can only blame it on scrapbooking! AND, to must have pictures. So, of course I have been taking many pictures of Miss Em. I thought I would share one with you. During my "funk" I had one day where I just couldn't quit crying. So, I loaded Em into the car and we went to the river. It is amazing how calming flowing water can be to the soul. Emma loved it!!